export interface Character { id?: number // The unique ID of the character resource., name?: string //The name of the character., description?: string//A short bio or description of the character., modified?: Date //The date the resource was most recently modified., resourceURI?: string //The canonical URL identifier for this resource., urls?: Array //A set of public web site URLs for the resource., thumbnail?: Image //The representative image for this character., comics?: ComicList //A resource list containing comics which feature this character., stories?: StoryList //A resource list of stories in which this character appears., events?: EventList //A resource list of events in which this character appears., series?: SeriesList //A resource list of series in which this character appears. } export interface Url { type?: string url?: string } export interface Image { path?: string extension?: string } export interface ComicList { availible?: number returned?: number collectionURI?: string items?: Array } export interface ComicSummary { resourceURI?: string name?: string } export interface StoryList { availible?: number returned?: number collectionURI?: string items?: Array } export interface StorySummary { resourceURI?: string name?: string type?: string } export interface EventList { availible?: number returned?: number collectionURI?: string items?: Array } export interface EventSummary { resourceURI?: string name?: string } export interface SeriesList { availible?: number returned?: number collectionURI?: string items?: Array } export interface SeriesSummary { resourceURI?: string name?: string }